Discovering God's Secrets
This book shines the light of the truth of God's Word on the gospel. Every child of God on earth in existence in the world today has a scripture that Father God has placed inside His Word for us all. This undeniable truth can be read and clearly understood without needing an interpreter or interpretation. This revelation is contained herein these pages for you to discover.
Moreover, Jesus Himself confirms this truth when He describes His own predecessor, John the Baptist, by scripture in Luke 7:27. Moreover, this truth is further verified by King David, who wrote in Psalms 119:49-50. These essential truths and knowledge is the very reason for each of our own existence in true peace and happiness on earth today.
Once you can accept this truth, simply read and execute (Jeremiah 29:11-13), then do all that is written therein. Go ahead. You owe it to yourself to make your life better. Pray, confirm it, believe it, then receive it. All the best and Godspeed to you as you go! Peace, love, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Book Reviews
Whether religious or not, this book will speak to you. This book will gently take you by your hand and reveal what God offers. Through these pages, you will see God on His throne, very patiently waiting to become your eternal benefactor. It is a humane, moving, yet very compelling invitation to have God as personal perpetual powerhouse.
Robert Karlsberg, MD
Minister Kent Earls is a man after God's own heart and one who has your best interest at heart. The words from this book, if properly heard, discerned, and applied to your life, will absolutely revolutionize your life and help you become who God intended for you to become and will help you fulfill your magnificent assignment on earth.
Allen Earls, CPA, Entrepreneur, Author, and Movie Star
-- Minister Kent Earls