Dialogue with Deity
THERE are many aspects about the person of God that we are so curious about and wish we knew. Some of those questions that ramble about in the hallways of our mind will only be satisfied in eternity.
However, there is one thing for certain that can be known from the get-go. God is a talker! He is an eloquent communicator, and He loves to dialogue with His creation. From the first book of the Bible onward, God verbalizes His will, expectations, and love with mankind.
This book examines with excitement every instance in Genesis where God talked to man or man talked to God. It is discovered that those occurrences greatly resemble contemporary social issues we face today, and that dialogue contains pertinent wisdom for us as well, and so we pray-we learn from them how to dialogue with Deity.
RAYMOND GRANT is an essayist, exegete, and evangelist who has spent 30 years as a chaplain's assistant and teacher of Apologetics and Philosophy: He has degrees in theology (American Divinity School) and education (University of Portland). His works include ghost-writing, co-authoring, books on church administration, commentaries, text books and evangelistic tracts. He resides in Portland, Oregon.
-- Raymond Grant