Contending for the Faith
In today's world, it is Christians who have gone into their closets. However, they haven't gone there to pray but to hide. They honor God in words but not in deeds (Matthew 15:7-9). Instead, they seek out the lies (Psalm 4:2) of corrupt politicians and an even more corrupt mainstream media. CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH is a collection of poems meant to inspire and encourage those of the Christian faith. In a world and nation that seems determined to follow through on Zechariah 13:7. CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH attempts to remind Christians of what is at stake for our families and our nation and that our faith must transcend culture, politics, gender, and skin color. And in a nation that increasingly resembles the Babylon spoken of in Revelation 18:2-4.CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH hopes to get Christians to view the world through the lens of Scripture. We must understand that there comes a day of accountability (2 Corinthians 5:10) when we will either stand, even as we do now, with the left or with the right (Matthew 25:31-46).
-- Mark Linen