Blessings from Heaven
The inspiration for the poems in this book was taken from stories in the Holy Bible, mainly from the life of Jesus, beginning with the visit of the Angel Gabriel to his mother Mary "The Annunciation." Many aspects of Jesus character are reflected in these poems, such as forgiveness, truth, self-knowledge, and peace (he was known as the Prince of Peace). The new commandment he gave his disciples before his death inspired the poem "The Greatest Commandment." The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' own disciples, was the subject of a poem and Simon Peter denying that he knew Jesus was another amazing story. Then came the Crucifixion portrayed in the poem "The Easter Tale," which was followed by the story of the Resurrection "Christ is Risen." Next was the poem about Mary Magdalene weeping at the empty tomb where Jesus' body had been laid. When Jesus appeared before her, she did not recognize him until he spoke her name - "Mary." What a moment that must have been for her! "Pentecost" was the next poem, which tells of how the disciples obeyed Jesus' command to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be bestowed upon them. The crowd were amazed by the things the Disciples said and did after receiving the Holy Spirit!
Some poems even came to the author during the night. Truly they were Blessings from Heaven, which became the title of this book.
-- Wendy Gelsthorpe