Bible Study Guide for Churches, Small House Fellowships, and Discussion Groups
In my many years of attending Bible study, I have found that many who attend barely grow beyond the level of being fed the word of God. Many are stocked in the level of milk without the capacity to handle the solid word of God. The aptitude and zeal to understand and rightly share the word of God is absent in the greater percentage of church attendees today. Every good shepherd desire that their flocks grow in their spiritual muscle and be able to stand anywhere and anytime on their faith feet without being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. However, due to various environmental and organizational challenges, a small group Bible study setting may be lacking in many churches. The members may attend worship services on Sunday and other times, and listen to the pastor's sermon day after day, but never have the opportunity to contribute their God-given ideas or ask questions that could strengthen their courage to share their faith with understanding. This book is designed to challenge believers in reading a passage of the scripture and equip them with spiritual-warfare weapon in memory verse during each Bible study session. The individual will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the weekly topic and questions that follow every introduction to the topic. The study guide is simply arranged to enable any believer or group of believers and families to use in any Bible study group setting. The study guide discusses various topics with supporting scriptural references to equip participants with practical knowledge and applications to their daily Christian living. Bible Study Guide for Churches, Small House Fellowships, and Discussion Groups is a must-have handbook for pastors, leaders of various Christian fellowship groups, and believers that will love to grow in their Christian walk.
-- Richard Sogunle