Baba's Love
Baba's Love is a story about a family's journey of adoption. Baba is referred to as father in some parts of Africa. By surrendering to the will of God, they learned of a father's love. Walking by faith through the emotional process, they laughed and cried together. It is a true story of suffering, perseverance, and love.
Relationships with the beautiful people in Central Nigeria are of valued gifts given to the authors. While living in a different culture, they learned about their own culture and to embrace them both.
It is a story about trusting God and having courage to take one step at a time, while not knowing the outcome. It is written for the purpose of encouraging you the reader in your own journey.
Giving is a thread that you will see woven throughout the pages of this story. It speaks of what was given, how it was given, and why it was given. Time is a precious gift to give. It is the authors' desire that you take time to read this story of love and be encouraged in your life as well as encourage others through sharing your story.
-- Bill and Cristy Millington