"I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.
"Ecclesiastes 1:14 LSB
To exist in this world physically, yet be challenged to exist higher mentally, presents mankind with what seems to be an impossibility. Through all the workings of man, this feat may not be accomplished. It is not until our own strivings end, and we make a decision to yield to the leadings of God's Spirit, that we may undergo an ascension. His ways are higher than our ways, so it is them that we must seek to harness above, from our dwellings below. Resting in His work is key to being properly positioned doers. Removing our grip from all things worldly and looking above the sun for direction, causes us Son-gazers to submit into uplift. Up, up and away the super-man goes, for this is "Ascension, Rising to Life Above the Sun."
-- J. Penmane