Adventures in Ticoland
Hi, friends, my name is Tico, and I'm seven years old. I want to tell you about a wonderful place called Ticoland. I created this land, so I get to name it, and I named it after myself. Pretty cool, right?
Hey, do you love animals? I sure do. I think they are awesome-so cute and smart and fun. Well, guess what. Ticoland is filled with all sorts of animals! Animals from the jungle, the mountains, the farm, the water, the sky, the plains, and the snow can be found in Ticoland-even cute little bugs. They all have names, and I came up with some really cool stories about them. I tell about their activities, adventures, their fun and games.
I hope you enjoy reading these stories. Share them with your friends and family too. Oh, and see if you can find the moral of each story. That means try to learn something important from each one. And of course, have fun!
NOTE: The author will donate a portion of the proceeds to selected children's charities.
-- Joseph Lim