A Lad Who Went To Sea: A Story of Salvation
This is a story of a sailor, myself. After graduating from high school, I went to sea. From the age of eighteen to thirty, I sailed the seven seas, from Cooks Inlet in the north to the Straits of Magellan in the south and as far as the east is from the west. I've been to fifty-four countries but never saw Canada, though I lived a hundred miles from the border when I was a child. I've sailed up the Congo River, the Mississippi, and the Amazon. I've seen penguins, a twenty-five-foot tiger shark, and a Kodiak bear in the wild, and I sang with dolphins. I saw volcanoes, waterspouts, and a giant whirlpool two hundred yards wide.
I was a sailor like my grandfather before me, and like him, I could tell a tall tale. Hah! I have learned that seeing the world isn't all there is to life. The question is why we are here and for what purpose and the big question, "Why God? Why is there pain and suffering in the world?"
This is my story, the story of a spoiled, wide-eyed lad who went to sea to see the world. A lad who looked for all the answers and found pain and confusion in a lost world. Looking for a reason to live, I found the love of God.
-- Albert Guy Pearce