Shots Fired: Officer Down, Code One
My Personal Viewpoints
Police work is a very unique occupation. There is no other job that you can actually compare to it. First responders and firemen are often compared to what police officers experience. However, let me try to explain some of the differences. There are similarities, but often, police officers face a different set of circumstances a lot of the time.
Police officers wear a variety of different "hats." For instance, when was the last time you saw a first responder or a fireman settle a domestic disturbance (chaplain's hat)? When was the last time you saw a first responder or a fireman in a fight with a criminal (police hat)? When was the last time you saw a first responder or a fireman standing against a riot (policeman's hat again)? When was the last time you saw a first responder or a fireman enter a business during a reported armed robbery (policeman's hat yet again)? You get the picture, I'm sure.
Have you ever wanted to be a police officer? Would you rather watch it on TV? Would you like to accompany him/her on road patrol or while a detective investigates the death of someone? Or would you like to attend an autopsy of a seven-year-old boy who was beaten to death by his stepfather? Well, I am inviting you to read about these and more, which are true and as accurate to the way it really happened as to the very best of my memory. There are newspaper articles that verify nearly every one of those events. I only hope you will enjoy your ride.