Some of our recent titles
  • Zachary's Tooth Lesson

    Unlike the average child, Zachary gets toys under his pillow after losing a tooth. Because of his greediness and selfishness, he decides to become a "tooth collector," only to learn a shocking "toothless" lesson! He then experiences conviction, apologizes for his wrongdoing, and is rewarded for his honesty.Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. (Matthew 7:12)...

  • Two Wishes

    Two Wishes is a story brought to life decades ago when the author herself was a child and believed in an imaginary fairy that lived behind a tiny door, whereby that fairy would leave tiny glittery notes for her.

    In this story, a little girl with long, brown hair sees something that catches her eye. The bright sun is reflecting off of something sparkly near the roots of an old oak t...

  • Lena Learns the World

    Lena is a sassy eleven-year-old that loves fashion, hanging with her best friend and listening to her favorite pop star. While spending the day with Grandma during her spring break, Lena's bold and forward ways rubs, Grandma's friends the wrong way when she tries to join in grown folk conversation. Her boldness also comes into play after Lena sees her favorite pop star being interviewed at the mal...

  • Bible Rhymes

    The Bible Rhymes books take the best-loved children's stories from the Bible and turns them into rhythmic poetry with crafty illustrations to make story time fun for everybody. Bible Rhymes: Creation is a lighthearted and informative story about the creation of the world and God's plan for his people. Bible Rhymes: Noah is a tale that emphasizes the struggles Noah faced in fo...

  • Devotions From A Shattered Heart

    Devotions from a Shattered Heart is written from a place of brokenness and healing, which can only come for Jesus. It is a book about the lessons learned, along with life's difficult journey that have helped me become the woman of God I am today, and my hope and prayer is that it will help you on your journey to become the woman of God He desires you to be....

  • Author - God

    "There I was, on my knees. You might be thinking I was a church girl praying. I, for sure, wasn't a church girl and was for sure not praying. I wish I could tell you something exciting, but I was just cleaning my dirty refrigerator, an ordinary, dreaded duty. And what happened while there will never be put into words or fully grasped for it went into the deep--too deep for words."The sun was begin...

  • Choosing You

    Juggling single motherhood, a bakery, and some minor home repairs should be enough for one woman, but life has other plans for Emily. When Emily decides to start her life over away from everything she's ever known, she only has one thing on her mind--her daughter. Her new bakery is thriving, her daughter, Tinsley, is settling in well, and she has never felt more at home, but what happens when a ne...

  • The Light Always Shines in the Dark

    Written during a time when a deadly virus spread fear and despair throughout the world, The Light Always Shines in the Dark offers the reader a breath of fresh air with its inspiring message of faith and hope. A follow-up to At Last I Open My Heart, in which the author shared firsthand his remarkable recovery from a forty-year battle with addiction, this powerful sequel warns of the rapid rise of ...

  • Fortress Portmore

    Fortress Portmore is a time and place that will never come to be again. This delightful tale tries to capture a time before cell phones took selfies and social media boards ruined lives. A time when a child could be free of tracking and of permanent photographic embarrassment. A time when constant parental intervention was not needed for safety nor encouraged.

    Our story is Lord of t...

  • Shoes of Peace on the Desert Road

    Sarah went about her daily life as a planner, living by deadlines and goals. She planned to take a break from her 13-year teaching career to transition to a stay-at-home mother of two girls. Cancer was not on the agenda. What happens when you don't plan for the unimaginable? The daily walk one takes through the worst storm of one's life brings the ultimate test of faith.Knowing this was out of her...

  • Is It Real or Make-Believe

    Most children are being raised in a very digital and somewhat artificial world. Artificial intelligence or AI is making its way into the home, school, and education through social media outlets on the internet. As young minds grow, they should learn to ask questions about the information they receive. Is it Real or Make-Believe looks at this with animals and habitats allowing teachable moments for...

  • Mildred’s Letters

    My sister Mildred wrote letters from God to His earthly friends at age eleven. She also wrote letters to her beloved Christ. These letters have been hidden for fifty-five years.

    This is the story of how God has guided me to find my sister's letters through dreams and visions. May God's guidance and divine directions introduce this book to whomever reads it.

    Open your ...