Some of our recent titles

    Deadly and devastating storms have been growing in size, strength, and intensity. These weather patterns are occurring because the great flood the Bible describes is a reoccurring event. God has given us the answers we need. Free will means it is up to us to fix our planet. We can stop the rain!...

  • Our Walk

    This book was written with the hope that whoever reads it will be inspired to strengthen their walk of faith even more than they already have. If by chance there is someone who has read this book and has not chosen to walk with Jesus, it might encourage them to do so. The Bible was written for us as a guideline to live by. When we face the topics I have chosen, there is scripture to tell us how we...

  • The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of The Church: Pre-Millennial

    Robert J. Recchio grew up in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. When he was twelve, his grandmother paid for him to spend a week at a Bible retreat in New Hampshire. At the retreat, the author learned about the Rapture and heard the Gospel. One must humble oneself and ask Jesus to take control of one's life.For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Roman 3:23)But as many as received Him, to the...

  • Seeds of Encouragement

    The enclosed poems were written mainly to encourage family, but also to help those who need encouragement at times they find themselves most depressed. I hope these words are able to encourage you and that you will, in turn, encourage others....

  • HIS Grace Abounds

    His Grace Abounds is the continued story of this forty-three-year-old woman's struggles, trials, and triumphs. She went from being a widow to being someone else's wife within a year's time. She is in a brand-new marriage with a new beginning. Upon remarrying so quickly, she begins to doubt her life's choices. This left her extremely overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. Her new life, new marr...

  • Forsaken Gospel

    What is commonly called a “worship” service today is nothing like the assemblies of first-century Christians. Today’s usage of familiar biblical terms—such as God, redemption, and salvation, among many others—would be unrecognizable to the apostles and their converts, both Jewish and Gentile. The vast majority of people who identify themselves as “Christians” in the mod...


    A mom incapable of love. Multiple caregiving emergencies. Expensive litigation against false allegations. Betrayal, loss of all parents. Grief. Growth. Giving up control. Leaning on God.When you are raised in a dysfunctional family with a mentally unstable mother who should love you but doesn't, you spend your entire life, sadly, trying to earn that love, until one day, you move her into your home...

  • Marcus and Mr. Herbert

    My story is about the relationship between a young boy named Marcus and his neighbor Mr. Herbert. After a misunderstanding, their relationship is reconciled when a life principle based on God's Word is applied. The story is from a real-life experience. My hope is to help teach children learn a valuable life lesson and to live a happy, fuller life that pleases Jesus....

  • Talking, Listening, and Walking with the Relational God

    While serving as president of a Christian university, Bond often spoke in the college chapels. The students came from a variety of theological traditions. Some were better informed than others as to what they believed. Coming from the Wesleyan tradition, Bond felt some responsibility to help inculcate the theology of his denomination. After all, they brought the university into existence and conti...

  • Look Up!

    To all believers, God says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV). To those who have experienced bitterness, pain, and loss, this is a message worth hearing again and again. Look up! is one person's journey through the trials of life with a Savior who heard and answered her cries. This book will allow you to experience her thoughts and walk with her on a path of ho...

  • In God We Trust, Or Do We? And Why We Should

    In God We Trust, or Do We? And Why We Should tells the story of a middle-class boy growing up in middle-class America that without the hand of God reaching out to save, there would be no story to tell. There would be more spiritual interventions that would be the cause for his faith to grow and to believe that there is no doubt a living God that someday we will all go face-to-face to. As a laypers...

  • Surprised By Grace

    Surprised by Grace shares stories of how Jesus revealed his love, power, and provision in the life of the author. Through her rebellious years, Jesus never gave up on her. When she hated herself and had given up on life, Jesus continued to pursue her with his faithful love. If you find yourself wondering if there is hope and healing for you, these stories are offered to encourage you to kno...