Some of our recent titles
  • If I Could Live upon a Yacht

    What an adventure! How exciting to wake up and realize your home is on the ocean: sea breezes, sea gulls, dolphins! What a blessing! Very few people will wake up on a yacht today (maybe you will someday!), but today is an adventure of your own. This boy and his dog are thankful for everything all day long, and thankfulness makes you happy! So what makes you thankful today? What can you thank God f...


    The world's governments, including the United States of America, have decreed that person or persons who worship one historical figure known as Jesus Christ be detained and sent to a reeducation center. Worshipping the historical figure known as Jesus Christ has been outlawed due to the terroristic and intolerant nature of this religion. Those individuals found to be guilty of worshipping the hist...

  • Boldness And Battlescars

    Boldness and Battle Scars is a three-part book about testimony, warfare, and relationship with the Lord. It introduces a lifelong testimony of a young woman who was called by the Lord in the middle of the night, and it goes into detail on how that call changed her entire life. Through traumas, pain, and life-threatening situations, the Lord showed her how to heal and how to surrender life to Him t...

  • Sweet Memories

    A story about walking down your favorite path, holding hands with your mother, being taught about the surroundings of the walk, and feeling the excitement of her stories; a story of finding something old yet a treasure for you; a story of best friends and the fun you have, sharing laughter and time; a message from God; a story about children seeing things that we take for granted; and a story abou...

  • Bible Study for Maturing Our Faith

    Every generation needs to hear the gospel. However, the situation and circumstance of a place determine how the gospel is to be preached and spread.In our time, there is need to reach all with the good news, especially the youth and children, using the medium of the print. Taking into consideration the need to guide them properly, this book comes in handy to teach, instruct, and guide them. The si...

  • Broken Man Rebuilt by God

    We are all born into love, but when and where does one actually learn how to properly love in life without finding themselves lost in what life's obstacles are at each given moment? This is a tale of a man who was involved in many different aspects of love, never having the chance to properly find it in the rarest of its essence the right way how God intended it to be shared.Many detours were take...

  • Demonic Spirits Have Invaded Human Bodies

    Denying Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, is the greatest mistake the entire world has made in the past and present and will continue to make in the future. Without Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in one's life, how can a person live coexisting with spirit beings known as demons, wicked spirit persons who have inhabited the earth the entire time mankind has been on earth? Yet the world live...

  • From Creation to Redemption

    God created man in his image. In this book, we study that image and come to understand why the first man, created in the image of God, could and did fall from holiness to the state of sin and spiritual death. We explore how the resulting depravity infected the entire human race and what God has done to provide the antidote and make possible the restoration of the primal holiness that characterized...


    Have you ever wondered what a big God and the big journey of life have in common? Lots of little things. When addressing the tension of recalling the past, embracing the present, and hoping for the future, there are benefits to appreciating the journey. The God of the universe has chosen to convey principles that take a lifetime to comprehend and apply, but He's chosen to do so through the many li...

  • The Great King

    The Great King is truly a God-given analogy about the story of our great King, Jesus!

    In an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand parallel of the gospel, children will find the wonders of God's great love for them. As you journey through the story's pages, a relative Bible verse will continue to direct the reader to the truth. Children can also learn a Bible verse themselves, even if they ...

  • The War of Words over the World

    Regardless of our efforts to find utopia, Shangri-la, and peace our world is sinking ever deeper into a morass of mud, blood, debris, and death as we continue to reject God's absolutes of right and wrong about everything. The Bible says, "a tree is known by its fruit," and the death, disease, and destruction we see everywhere is the evil fruit humanity's rebellion against God is producing.


  • Sarah's Song

    God promised Abraham a son and would later promise Sarah that she would conceive and bear a son to Abraham, and the son would be called Isaac. Sarah, because she was barren during what we would consider normal childbearing age, gave up on God’s promise, did it her way and gave her maidservant Hagar to Abraham, thinking she was fulfilling God’s promise. The son that was born would be called Ish...