Some of our recent titles
  • In the Middle of a Dream

    Ted and Bubba Bear have to reach into Ted’s emotional intelligence toolkit “In the Middle of a Dream” when Night Things come to call. With a little help from Mom, Ted learns to face and conquer his fears.

    Studies have proven emotional intelligence, or EQ, is more important for successful living than IQ. Emotional intelligence is understanding and handling our emotions in ways...

  • New Wine

    New Wine , A journey into refueling your life in the spirit* New Wine will cause you to embark on a soul-stirring journey as you dive into revelations of what happens when you are a recipient of God's outpouring of new wine.* Have you ever wondered if there's more to life? Felt that inner dryness that saps your spirit? It's time to uncork the New Wine of the Lord. Within these pages,...

  • Mr. Better Than They

    Mr. Better Than They

    Mr. Better Than You sticks up his nose at everyone he meets! But when something awful happens to him, maybe he will change his ways. Find out what it means to be a good friend, even to those who are not very nice to us at all!...

  • War of the Realms

    The battle of the legions has ended; the war of the realms has just begun. Arden and the elites have been called to embark on a new mission, facing greater threats and treading through uncharted territories. Tasked with destroying Reynak, home of the demon commanders, the angels must venture on a quest to find the mark of Cain, which is the key to destroying the second heavens. Join Arden, God's l...

  • Answers From the Holy Bible to Various Questions

    Are such things as divorce, suicide, drinking, and smoking sins? Will God punish me if I accidentally cause someone's death? Does God hear my prayers even though I've been ignoring Him or didn't believe in Him? If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, you will find the answers to them and many more answers in this book....

  • The Lift

    Michael James shares a message of hope after multiple supernatural visits from the Lord. Although facing intense adversity, he reached out to God with an urgent sense of vulnerability.

    God responded, showing his ever-present and all-encompassing love of us. Likewise, the author cross-referenced near-death experiences based partially on his exposure to them.

    Also inclu...

  • Greater with Grace

    Greater with Grace is my second book of Holy Spirit-inspired poetry. My first book, Praying with Poetry, was also filled with poems inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am still a widow after losing my husband tragically to a senseless crime. I was only twenty-three years old. I have found true joy in writing my poems and that grace and power has overflowed in my life. I still miss my husband and I neve...

  • A Purple Martin Named Lazarus

    Have you ever had a moment when nature aided in your healing? During the pits of my sorrow, an injured baby purple martin aided in mine. This unique relationship between human and bird is a story of pain, sorrow, love, and joy!...

  • Justice

    Justice is a book about the everyday happenings of life. More importantly, this book addresses the purpose of the everyday happenings of life. This book is written under the belief that everything happens with a purpose. The protagonist in this book, Amy Mitchell is wrongfully institutionalized. This incident leads Amy, who begins her career as an actress, to find a different career as her life co...

  • The Miramar Incident

    This book is about a F-14 Tomcat Navy combat pilot named William O'Hara. It is a book of fiction based partly on true life events. People sometimes see things in their journey through life. What they are or how to explain them is up to us.William O'Hara will face the Maker of this universe, the Alpha and Omega. Bill comes to know him in a series of miracles contained in this book. This book is a r...

  • But God... Special Testimonies from the Church of God's Animals

    This book is a praise to the Lord using the characterization of animals to remind us that if the animals can praise God, we as humans definitely need to praise and thank Him.So come to the church of the animals and feel the tremendous Holy Spirit lift you up and encourage you to praise the Lord! Remember, man should always praise the Lord, but if he fails to do so, the animals will certainly conti...


    Some people described Jacob Gunn as being born with a chip on his shoulder. Throughout most of his childhood and all of his adult activities, Jacob held a disdain for the word "trust." His life experiences caused him to believe trust was illusive or imaginary. He believes there are no half-truths or comparative truths, and truth is too often based on uneducated faith on words instead of actions.Th...