Some of our recent titles
  • Tommy Learns How Planes Fly

    Tommy Learns How Planes Fly is a story about a young boy who is very curious about how planes fly. He is asking his Mother to explain to him exactly how they do. She then goes on to describe how planes fly in four easy steps that both children and adults will enjoy and learn from. It is an educational story, yet brings with it the excitement and enthusiasm only children can bring. Tommy Learns How...

  • Tribulation

    Shush--can you hear it? The sound of silence. Some say the quiet is deafening. It is the silence of fear, the fear of Chem'arim and his army. It seems like there is no hope because of the evil that has taken over the world. People are persecuted by Chem'arim's army for their belief in God.The people try to find the symbol of the cross, but all things pertaining to Jesus have been destroyed. Chem'a...

  • Soul to the Highest Bidder

    Jesus asked, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"

    A woman who searched daily for God's favor faced a moral dilemma that put her at odds with God. She must make a choice. Do what she believes pleases God or go down a path leading to satisfaction and prestige. What would you do?

    Colonel Katie Green managed the development of nuclear weapons, b...

  • Messages from GOD to HIS People

    I've been given many messages by GOD for HIS people before and during the pandemic. The coronavirus didn't take GOD by surprise because HE is all-knowing. Most people were very fearful and were anxiously waiting for the results of their coronavirus test. But we as believers in THE LORD were going through a testing time also. JESUS CHRIST will be coming back soon as the signs of the end are being f...

  • Writing Your Bible

    Have you ever considered that maybe your own life is a Bible? Has God worked miracles in your life or intervened in some huge way that could not be attributed to any other cause? Have you ever wondered how God could use you to impact others?

    Prepare yourself to read through some amazing stories of God’s intervention and learn how you can and should be writing your bible to share with othe...


    Imagination is a wonderful place.

    Imagination is like no other world.

    Imagination is a world in itself.

    Iggy is my best friend.

    I first meet Iggy when I look into a mirror.

    One day Iggy is outside of the mirror.

    We have lots of fun adventures together.

    Come along and join us.


  • Standing on Apostolic Roots

    Standing on Apostolic Roots conveys and reinforces the message as stated in Acts 2:42: "And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine." This is the sure biblical foundation that we must stand on in the midst of ever-changing times. There is nowhere in the Bible where the Apostles' Doctrine was discontinued.Standing on Apostolic Roots talks about the apostles who executed and implemented ...

  • Seeking Purpose

    We have every right to want better for ourselves. We just need to pursue them and stop placing our dreams on the back burner for others.It's time to be selfish about you. You got what it takes, so make your life count. Seeking purpose is the whole idea. Stop fighting God and remember who you are. We are kings and queens of the Most High. Act like you got some sense and shine your light. Fighting a...

  • The Jesus I Forgot

    The Jesus I Forgot was written to encourage all those who seek to know the realities of the living God. God is not a man, though He became man to rescue all humanity. The Lord does not bend His character to any person's agenda but is holding to His own. While some see this as a difficult concept to grasp, the reality is that His agenda is you!His great love for you is the very reason that He sent ...

  • Journey to Faith

    Over forty days and forty nights, Doug brings us alongside him as he relives the extreme highs and lows spiritually as he desperately reaches out to God as he fasts, knowing that this was to be his last chance to change his life around. For years he had tried everything there was to reach out to God and to find favor in His heart, never realizing that the answer was there all along right in front ...

  • His Love Endures Forever

    His Love Endures Forever is an easy-to-read autobiography. Starting at birth, it’s a compelling (sometimes heart-wrenching) true story about a young girl’s journey as she grows into her adolescent years and into womanhood. Because she came from a broken home, she was trying to find love and validation in all the wrong worldly places. Before becoming a Christian, she continually jumped into sit...

  • A Commentary on the Book of James in the New Testament

    A Commentary on the Book of James in the New Testament is not just your typical Commentary on the Book of James. Because it gives reader a refreshing scholarly, practical, and in-depth look into having godly behavior and obedience to the Word of God in such times like these, in the twenty-first century. James is writing a letter to the early Christian (Jewish Christian) about putting their faith i...