Some of our recent titles
  • Frisco and Friends

    Frisco and Friends is a story about Frisco and the bullies that he has endured for years because he is what they consider "different." They have terrorized the forest creatures and named the village Victorville after Victor, who is the leader of the bullies. Everyone is terrified of them, and Frisco doesn't know what to do about it. He feels alone, scared, and helpless. He begins to wonder if w...

  • Wayside Parishes

    Wayside Parishes is an autobiographical presentation recounting the celebrations, trials, and difficulties of a pastor and his family. Spanning over the course of fifty years, the journey follows the growth and change of each community through the lens of the church. With humble beginnings on his father's farm, James Arva Shirer reveals the pathway to something greater than himself, the building o...

  • Deliverance of the Firstborn and First Sons

    In the Bible, we find out that Adam was the firstborn of God, in a manner of speaking. However, Adam was driven out of God's presence, care, provision, and protection, and unfortunately, so are most firstborns, especially first sons. Cain, Adam's firstborn, was also driven out and became a wanderer. Canaan, the firstborn of Ham, Noah's son, was cursed, and so was Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob. An...

  • Cancelling Satanic Resolutions

    And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.--Matthew 11:12The devil is constantly at war with believers, and so every believer has the responsibility of finding out the diverse methods of his attacks so that we can defeat the enemy every step of the way.Many Christians are ignorant of satanic devices, like Simon Peter ...

  • The Danger and Power of Hidden Curses

    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6).A lot of times, there are certain predicaments or situations that occur in one's life that cannot be explained. What makes the situation worse is that this issue is not peculiar to that one person; it has been ongoing from one generation to another.Many times, believers find themselves caught in a cycle of unexplainable predicaments an...

  • Demonic Manipulation in Dreams

    This series of studies is a powerful message from the man of God, Rev. James Solomon. This teaching on dreams is not a common topic in the body of Christ, and even though the Bible has so much to say about dreams, the church of God does not see it as a subject that requires attention.The man of God lists and fully discusses three major sources of dreams:i. dreams from God,ii. dreams from Satan, an...

  • The Eyes of God

    Life is like a meandering river, a path with many forks, and we have the choices to either stop at the next bend or travel to the left or right path. We do not know what the future holds but only that what we choose in life will have a lasting effect. We may not see the results of ours or other's actions, but rest assured, they will show themselves. So it is with my life. There were still many pat...

  • Blackey, Dovey, and Mommy

    Is it even possible for natural-born enemies to live in harmony? Your child will learn the answer in this book along with colors and numbers. It will keep their attention, stimulate their precious little minds, and increase their empathy for others....

  • Church Usher's Manual

    Church Usher's Manual: A Systematic Approach to Church Ushering has prayerfully been written for the specific purpose of giving a clear insight into how to effectively serve as a church usher. Please be advised that nothing in this book takes the place of any instructions your pastor might have given you related to ushering in your church.As you study this book, you will learn that at no time shou...

  • Back To Basics

    People are all so hurt and broken. We want peace and joy that is supposed to come through Jesus Christ, but wonder why we are so miserable and full of chaos and turmoil. Many assume this is just Christianity, that this is all Jesus is. So what is the point of giving my life over to this? We need answers on how to seek Jesus and truly find Him and how to fix what is broken inside. We need to learn ...

  • Inspired to Love

    Shanna's nursing career was her pride and joy, and she honestly thought she was happy with her life, but when her longtime boyfriend suddenly "met someone else," it forced her to reevaluate what she wanted. She realized she'd been stuck in a relationship with someone who was never supportive of her dreams of being an author, which caused her to quell her aspirations and lose herself in the process...

  • 2084

    Having taken advanced classes in Marxism and socialist dogma, and having lived it, lifelong friends Barten Colby and Joel Wilbur are well-versed in the subject. Even so, they differ markedly in their fundamental beliefs. Bart, a rising star, is a staunch socialist tending toward communism while Joel, still harboring serious doubts, guards his thoughts carefully. Both were midlevel managers in the ...