Achieving SPEM Health Spiritual Physical Emotional Mental (It’s Up to You!)TM

Premise of this Book

This book presents a comprehensive foundation on which to build a healthy life. If one's SPEM Health is not solid, then a person's life will have added difficulties. It shares that improvement starts with paying attention to one's "specific" SPEM Health needs. We each have areas that need improvement to one degree or another, however, building a firmer foundation upon which a healthier, happier life can possibly exist, is the essence of this book!

by, Judith C. Lista, Author/Public Speaker

Book Summary

Learned scholars spend years studying professional teachings, lectures, and writings of others, then, develop their own skills in their chosen fields. The public accepts their history and perceives them as people of value. My wife, Judith C. Lista, the author of, Achieving SPEM HealthTM, survived traumatic car accidents at age 20. In her efforts for substantial growth during her learned experiences, she never gave up acknowledging the truths about the ups-and-downs in her life. Throughout the years, she studied professional writings, interviewed experts, and developed an incredible competency in her successful journey toward furthering her personal success of, Achieving SPEM Health. She now shares her journey and methodology for the personal enhancement of your Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health!

by, Joseph W. Lista, M.S., PA-C

--Judith Lista

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